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Book 15 e-Copy 2021 Edition

Books 15, 16 and 17 cover the 27 learning intentions for children In Year 5 aged about 9 to 10  years old.


At this level, students are entering a transition where they start to see numbers as whole units, but also understand that they can be broken up within these units. They are also solidifying mental strategies and becoming more fluent at understanding the relationships between addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division.


Get this 118-page activity book in PDF format immediately upon purchase.

    Book 15 e-Copy 2021 Edition

    • Book 15 covers mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction, reading and valuing large numbers, and 6x, 7x and 8x tables.

      For students who are starting to form a foundation of mental addition/ subtraction and place value (Cf Books 11-14).

      Book 15 covers some of the transition from Stage 5 to Stage 6. Together, Books 15, 16 and 17 cover all of Stage 5/6.


      You will also get:

      • information about the curriculum,
      • learning intention progress chart,
      • worksheets, activities and board games,
      • certificates and other print-and-cut resources.
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