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Book 18 e-Copy 2021 Edition

Books 18, 19 and 20 cover 27 learning intentions for children in Year 6, aged about 10 to 11 years old.


At this level, students are learning to choose the best way to solve an addition or subtraction problem from a range of strategies. They see numbers as ‘whole’ units but also understand that ‘nested’ within these units is a range of possibilities for partitioning (breaking up) and recombining. This is called part-whole thinking.

For example, 29 + 28 = ?

Using compensation: 30 + 27 or 30 + 28 – 1

Using place value partitioning: 29 + 20 + 8

or 20 + 20 + 9 + 8.

They can also derive multiplication from known facts, e.g., 3 x 8 = 24, so 6 x 8 = 24 + 24 = 48. By now they should know their times tables, decimal numbers to three places and be able to read any fraction.


Get this 94-page activity book in PDF format immediately upon purchase.

    Book 18 e-Copy 2021 Edition

    • Book 18 covers place value and sequencing and ordering large numbers, and multiplication of 2- and 3-digit numbers using a written method.​

      For students who have sound mental strategies for numbers up to 3 digits.

      Book 18 covers some of Stage 6. Together, Books 18, 19 and 20 cover all of Stage 6.


      You will also get:

      • information about the curriculum,
      • learning intention progress chart,
      • worksheets, activities and board games,
      • certificates and other print-and-cut resources.
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